Sunday 30 November 2014

Here We Go Again...

Hello Family and Friends,

It has been awhile since we have been in contact regarding Max's heart health. It seems as though his first surgery happened upon us so fast and spun us into such a whirlwind of emotions that we just wanted to move on with life once Max had recovered... which is just what we did. However, we will never ever forget the incredible outpouring of love, support and prayers from so many people during that time. 

For those of you who know Max (2 years old), he is a very happy and healthy growing boy. He is loving life including books, music, sports, animals, dinosaurs and spending time with his family! Although Max shows absolutely no signs or symptoms of anything being wrong, the doctors have been closely watching his heart ever since the discovery of his heart condition in January 2013 and even more carefully since his first heart surgery in February 2013. Since the first surgery, Max's heart has been gradually working harder in order to compensate for the decreased function of the aortic valve. His heart is getting thick and swollen as a result. A heart can only overwork for so long and after enough time has passed, the damage may not be reversible, therefore the decision has been made to operate on Max's heart again. The hope is that the removal of the subaortic stenosis will allow the heart to stop overworking. Although there is no plan to repair the aortic valve itself (at this time), the surgeon will be able to have a closer look at it during the surgery.

We are currently preparing ourselves to head to Edmonton for the surgery which is scheduled for December 16th, 2014. We will travel to Edmonton on December 14th to begin all of the pre-operation preparations.

We have created this blog in order to keep in touch with those who care about Max. Our plan is to post frequent updates and pictures here. You can also visit the other pages that we have created to learn more about Max's Heart and Our Family. To follow us on this journey, please either sign up to receive our email updates or check back to this site frequently.

Thank you in advance for all of your prayers, love and support during this time. 

Cam, Abbie and Max