Friday 12 December 2014

Ups and Downs

Hello All,

So just a brief update for all of you. The hospital in Edmonton phoned us first thing this morning and they have moved Max's scheduled surgery date back by 2 days. They said that is was looking like the ICU was going to have a bed shortage so rather than us going up as planned and having surgery cancelled last minute, they are opting to bring us up a few days later.

So instead of Dec 16th, it is now going to be Dec 18th. The downside is that it is more likely that we will be spending our Christmas in the hospital which is a bit of a bummer for sure. However, Abbie was able to talk with the surgery coordinator about our concern with having a 2 year old who loves to eat and how long he would be required to fast for before surgery on the 18th. She assured us that Max would be first on the list for surgery on the 18th so if all goes well, he would only need to fast overnight and some of the morning instead of all day like last time! This may sound trivial to you but trust me... this kid loves his breakfast!!!

This also complicates things a bit with regards to accommodation because the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) can no longer get us into the house until the 18th. So we will spend our first 2 nights in a hotel and then move to the RMH on Dec 18th (surgery day). We have booked a hotel that is very close to the hospital and it is the same place that we stayed last time while we waited for space in the RMH. So at least this process will be somewhat familiar to us.

Needless to say, the ups and downs have already begun and we haven't even left Cochrane yet! We are trying to stay positive and optimistic but we are also really anxious to get this all behind us! Please pray that we will all stay healthy in the coming days as we now have a few more to wait. We will keep you posted as usual.



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