Monday 29 December 2014

Cardiology Update

Max had his first cardiology appointment today since surgery. He has been SUPER hesitant to let us get anywhere near the incision so we figured that it would not go very smooth as he went through another battery of tests. But once again, Max impressed us all and was such a trooper. He amazes us by how tough and brave he is when something like this needs to be done.

First the echocardiogram. These have become pretty common place in Max's life but this time, his Mama got to lay on the bed with him to keep him a little more calm. Max didn't fuss too much and he let the person take lots of pictures of his heart while he watched a few shows on the TV!

Then the ECG. These are quick but involve putting on and taking off a bunch of stickers all over his torso. He did pretty good but was asking to go home over and over at this point. So sad!!! We wanted nothing more than to just scoop him up and take him home.

Then we met with his cardiologist (Dr. Myers) who said that everything is looking pretty good! The only area of concern is that there is a collection of fluid at one spot around the heart. It is not something that we should be overly concerned about yet, and it is not completely surrounding the heart, which would be really bad. The heart naturally secretes more fluid after surgery so this is normal, as long as it gets absorbed soon. As a result, we will have another echocardiogram (Max's 9th in less than a month!) next week to make sure it is not getting worse, in which case it would likely get treated with a high dose of Aspirin to prevent any more inflammation. Let's hope that is not needed.

Lastly, Max got his stitches out that were on the chest tube location. So the only stitches that remain are a few small dissolvable ones! Max cried pretty hard during the stitch removal but it was over and done with pretty fast and we got to "GO HOME" after that!!!

Overall, it was a fairly quick and painless check-up with pretty good results and we will continue to keep you posted about any further developments in this regard.


Check up time!

Exhausted after all of my tests!


  1. So happy to hear about your discharge, Christmas at home and the special moments shared since! We are thrilled to hear that all is going well and that Max continues to be a trooper with his medical appointments! Glad to hear that all is going well and we pray for continued improvement (and for the fluid near his heart to disappear). We wish you a blessed end to 2014 and a healthy and happy start to 2015! Hugs, The Wieliczkos

  2. Continuing to hold you in our minds and hearts. Meyen


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